FOODs, Commodities & AgriBusiness .:. Alimentos, BioProductos & AgroNegocios
Trading, Sourcing & Marketing of Bio Economy Products
Farm Animals - Animales de Granja
Sugar Products - Azúcar
WINES & CAVES - Vinos & Bodegas
Vegetables and Greens - Hortalizas
ORGANICS - Productos Orgánicos
Industria Láctea
Milk ProductsIndustrias de la Carne
Meat Processing IndustryIndustria del CUERO
LEATHER industryProducción PESQUERA
Fishery ProductionALGAE - ALGAS
Forest & Wood ProductionNutraceutics - Nutracéuticos
Supplements & Fortified Foods
Alimentos Frescos
FRESH FOODS for Human ConsumptionAlimentos Procesados y Bebidas
Food Market and Beverage IndustryAlimentación Proteica Nutricional
Nutritional Protein FeedingAGRO GLOBAL CONOSUR
We connect buyers and suppliers of cereals, balanced foods, protein nuclei and pure proteins, as well as meats and foods for human consumption throughout the world.
AgroGLOBAL, is a company of commercialization, supply and commercialization of diverse agricultural products and grains all over the world. We connect producers and buyers through our business and distribution network. We also provide financing solutions for the purchase of assets, grain warehouses, silos and ports, for important agricultural projects.
Our company is involved in the international trade of agricultural products such as soybeans, barley, wheat, corn, oilseeds, peas and other products since 2005. We connect producers and suppliers with buyers and food companies around the world through our network privileged of partners and suppliers in America, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Europe. We help clients find quality products at a competitive price and provide the most efficient logistics and transport solutions adapted to their needs.
Our Company also excels in strategic sourcing, business development, and business creation. We identify promising products and opportunities, develop new markets, and organize appropriate supply structures, collaborations and partnerships for long-term business operations.
As a global supplier and marketer of agricultural products (food grade), AgroGLOBAL works with buyers and commercial companies to supply agricultural products and specialty crops at competitive prices.
We generate value by facilitating commercial transactions on a global scale and providing quality products at competitive prices.
We source grains and products especially in South America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay & Uruguay), and we supply through our partners to markets such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Europe and the Middle East.
We can supply food grade products and ingredients for animal feed, animal nutrition, and all kinds of food for human consumption.
BIOFUELS: Ethanol and Biodiesel.