Ciudad del Conocimiento - Knowledge City -
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Technological Complex
Complejo Científico Tecnológico, Educativo y Cultural
Complejo Científico Tecnológico e Innovación
Complejo Científico Tecnológico, Infraestructuras e Instalaciones diseñadas para facilitar la Radicación de Empresas de la Economía del ConocimientoDesarrollo en Tecnologías Avanzadas, Emergentes, Convergentes y Disruptivas - TICS - Área especial de Ensayos y Calibración de Prototipos.Complejo Científico Tecnológico e Innovación
Knowledge & Innovation Centre
Research & Development, Innovation LABs & Scientific HUB, Applied Science & Technology, Disruptive Technologies & Advanced Knowledge, Services & Solutions: Design, Prototypes, Testing, Homologation & Certification, Knowledge Economy HUBKnowledge & Innovation Centre
Global Technology: Services & Solutions
Emerging, Converging & Disruptive Technologies, Advanced Capabilities & Applied Research, Global Technological Services & Industry Solutions, Human Capital & TalentsGlobal Technology: Services & Solutions
Advanced Training Center & Academy
Academics & University Extension, Advanced Multipurpose Training Center, Technology Training Center, Emerging & Disruptive Technologies, Virtual Training & Simulators, Multipurpose Capabilities, R&D & Scientific SIMsAdvanced Training Center & Academy
R&D & Innovation LABs & Scientific HUB
R&D & Innovation LABs & Scientific HUB
Research & Development, Innovation LABs, Science & Technology Knowledge, Design & Prototypes, Advanced Projects & Testing, Homologation & Certification, Scientific HUBR&D & Innovation LABs & Scientific HUB
Knowledge Economy - "City HUB"
Knowledge Economy City HUB
Knowledge Economy Development Centre, Advanced Knowledge HUB, Technology-Based Companies: Emerging, Converge & Disruptive Technology, Capital & Investors, Partnership ProjectsKnowledge Economy City HUB
Knowledge Management Policies
Knowledge Management Policies
Knowledge Economy & Economic Development, Strategy, Smart Governance & Public Policies, Innovation Policies, Technological & Economic Development Agencies, Strategy & Global Business Development, Promotion, Cooperation & Partnership ProgramsKnowledge Management Policies
Business Development Center
Business Development Center
Technological & Economic Development District, Technology Complex, Knowledge Economy & Blue Economy Enterprises. Knowledge Business Development. Entrepreneurship Centre, Startups, Incubators, Accelerators, Coworking & Co-Living CentreBusiness Development Center
Entrepreneurship & Startups Centre
Entrepreneurship & Startup Centre
Special Centre for Entrepreneurship, Startups, Business Incubation & Co-Working Infrastructures and Facilities. Capital & Investors, Cooperation's & Partnership ProjectsEntrepreneurship & Startup Centre
Green Co-Living Centre
Green Co-Living Centre
Smart Building: Working, Living & Social, Personal Rooms, Recreational Area, Gym & Sport, Launch & Cooking Area, Laundry Room, Reading Room, Parking Lot, Gardens & Rooftop AmenityGreen Co-Living Centre
"EDU COMPLEX & TECH" - Complejo Educativo & Tecnológico
Area Especial para la radicación y funcionamiento de Universidades y Centros de Enseñanza, Facilidades Académicas, Campus Universitarios, Escuelas Técnicas, Escuelas Fábricas, Escuelas de Base Tecnológica, Centro de Diseño, Investigación e Innovación Académica, I+D+i, Ciencia y Tecnología, etc."EDU COMPLEX & TECH" - Complejo Educativo & Tecnológico
Parks & Recreational Spaces
Parks & Recreational Spaces
Academic Facilities
Academic Facilities
Conventions, Events & EXPO Center
EXPO GLOBAL: Events, Fairs & Exhibitions, Marketing & Advertising, Multimedia Actions & Editorial Business, Promotional & Merchandising, Press & DiffusionConventions, Events & EXPO Center
Sport, Culture & Recreation District
Sports Areas, Olympic Village, Cultural Area, Outdoor Cultural Events Area, Theme Parks, Recreational Areas, Entertainment, etc.Sport, Culture & Recreation District
Commercial & Gastronomic District
Educational and Technological Village: Cultural Area, Museums, Library, Bars, Restaurants and Recreation, Shopping Center, Hospitality, Health Center, Public Services, Students ResidencesCommercial & Gastronomic District
Gestión Comercial y Administrativa
Gestión Comercial y Administrativa
Servicios Comunes & Soporte Técnico
Servicios Comunes & Soporte Técnico
Prosperity & Knowledge
PROCONOSUR: Prosperidad y Conocimiento para el Desarrollo Sostenible, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Human & Social Development, Planet & Environment, Prosperity & Equity, Partnership & Cooperation, Smart Governance & Public Policies Programs, "Economic & Knowledge Development Agencies"Prosperity & Knowledge
Capital, Investment & Financing
PROFIDEX: Production, Finance, Investment, COMEX & Economic Development, Capital & Banking, Productive Promotion, Economic Development, COMEX: Financing & Insurance, Asset Management Services, Private Capital Solutions, Facilitations Services, Partnership Cooperation Agreement, FINTECH Companies & StartupsCapital, Investment & Financing
Strategy & Business Development
Global Industry Solutions, Strategy & Global Business Development, Governance & Public Policies, Technological & Economic Development Zones, International Cooperation & Negotiation, Open New Markets, Entrepreneurs & Innovation Projects, New Capabilities DevelopmentStrategy & Business Development
Economic Development Projects
"ZEDETECH" - Programas de Creación y Gestión de:"Zonas Especiales de Desarrollo Económico, Tecnológico y Capital Humano" - Producción Industrial - Complejo Científico Tecnológico y Educativo - Plataforma Logística de Transporte Multimodal, Ciudad Empresarial & Centro de Negocios InternacionalesEconomic Development Projects
COMEX, Trade & Sales
"Global Trade Link": Sales & COMEX: Strategy, Global Business, Marketing Plans, Multimodal Transport, Logistics & Delivery Services, Promotion & Diffusion, Manufacturers & Importers Directory Wholesale Suppliers, Logistics Procedures, Acquisition & ProcurementCOMEX, Trade & Sales